Gijón, Spain, 1,953
1st Edition 2,021
ISBN 978 – 84 – 09 – 31942 – 8
Registration of the Intellectual Property M – 004476 / 2021
Legal Deposit M – 20361 – 2021
Over many years, I photographed advertisements with content related to eroticism, which we regularly find on our streets.
Most of the photographs were taken in the city of Madrid, Spain.
The photographs comprise three periods : 2,000 – 2,007, 2,012 – 2,013 ; 2,017 – 2,018.
It could be said that the last one closes the cycle, although it is not exact. The changes in our society are continuous, and they can be easily differentiated, with all that they imply.
Regarding the text, it is interesting what happened for its development.
I thought about a person who would contribute her vision to the photographs.
A psychologist, specializing in sexology, would be appropriate.
A woman psychologist, thinking about the vision of a woman.
Obviously, the overwhelming female presence in the ads should be better interpreted by a woman, to give that vision from her side.
Four psychologists responded to my ad in 2,016.
The first two simply gave me a sit-in, not going to the appointment.
The third, although she was very interested, replied that it would be impossible for her to work on it, given the extent of the subject.
With the fourth, things improved. Her initials, S. V. M.
After reaching a prior agreement, we started the work.
But, progressively, everything began to get complicated on her side, giving long and promises that later she did not fulfill.
In the end, in January 2,018 we met, and she promised me that now she would focus on the issue, and that in a month there would be concrete results.
The concrete thing was that she disappeared. She did not answer my emails or my calls. Two years lost
I don’t know if something serious has happened to her, I hope not.
Not knowing her address, it has been impossible for me to contact her.
In the end, she disappeared, and she has in her possession a copy of the book.
Around July I put another ad, and only one woman answered me.
Really, there is nothing new under the Sun, and less in sexology.
So my opinions are not particularly relevant, and will more or less reflect the feelings of a part of the population.
Starting from this premise, it is simply a matter of expressing what I feel, above what I think.
What is important is the approach given, in two respects.
On the one hand, I think it is better to give an opinion at first sight, without thinking much.
On the other hand, other sensations arise, especially the ones related to the composition of the photograph, inherent in every photographer.
Also starting from what they suggest to me at first glance, I also usually do an analysis of the details that are relevant to me.
Axiom: Text written first is my opinion, no brand influences.
In the end, there is a schematic review of the brand, although in some specific cases, due to its special relevance, it is more extensive.
Perhaps it would be convenient to clarify the term “eroticism “ which, given its subjectivity, I think goes beyond an academic definition.
Given the differences among people, one person may feel a photograph as erotic, while another one does not perceive anything.
Starting then, from this reality, let us simply think of eroticism as that call to sexual pleasure, awakened in a person through various sensations.
Not least, all of us are influenced by the natural vitality of eroticism, as a basic biological source associated with the survival of our species.
The differences in societies regarding eroticism are palpable, clearly influencing their members.
This means that our external responses are conditioned by our environment, while our internal feelings may be different.
Associated, the aesthetic pleasure of photography, equally capable of inducing personal emotions, depending on our capacity for perception.
Once again, subjectivity.
A sunset is a source of sensations for one person, while indifferent for another.
2,007 Our gaze surrenders to the model, young and beautiful.
A woman of high status, but not wasteful ; she only wears earrings, but they are undoubtedly expensive jewels.
Her inquisitive eyes convey security ; her lips are closed, but they are inviting.
Her hair, carefully arranged invoking an order, enhances an enviable forehead for her texture, as well as the rest of her skin and body.
Her bare chest is an invitation to our instincts, but once again she sets the rules, she affirms her personality by showing us what she wants.
The light background blends with her skin, while the rose, close to her nose, conveys both her beauty and the ecstasy associated with the perfume.
Atmosphere of daring classicism, gladly and consciously enjoyed.
There is no doubt that, although she admits the invitation, the flirtation, at the end she will be the one who decides.
2,018 Here, in contrast to the clarity of the previous photo, the black color prevails.
Apparent change of style, but the girl continues in the same status and trend: class, security, no superfluous waste, just a bracelet, of course it is expensive.
The expression on her face is very similar to the previous one, serious, with a clean, inviting look but with implicit limits regarding who makes the final decisions.
Her hair, cared for but sexier, as befits the atmosphere in which she operates, a bustling and dynamic nightlife.
Times change, and Bvlgari adapts, but without compromise on its philosophy.
Eroticism is present, but with an undeniable class.
The perfume bottle also evolves, from a classic to a more sophisticated one, but without falling into controversial designs.
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2,002 A A young Adam, muscular, with marked genitalia.
Long hair, languid eyes and gestures, a touch of insecurity.
Grayish, white tones, little contrast, half faded.
2,002 B Inviting eroticism, restrained nude, but suggestive.
The rock, wet, proclaims freshness ; the whole set is relaxing.
Opposite colors, the light of the skin versus the black of the rock, although this fades from one corner to another.
2,002 C The couple. Vital eroticism, openly, between two passionate young people, who fully experience their bodies.
Although their faces are half hidden, which slightly distorts the composition …
Under the influence of her words, the girl’s open mouth shows her inner journey to pleasure, wrapped in the contact between their bodies, the close embrace between them.
Life … we have to live in the present, fully enjoy it as much as we can, without complications.
Composition as simple as difficult. The grayish hue, which would normally detract from its strength, fails to put out the fire of this perfect photograph. A small work of art in the world of advertising.
2,003 Perhaps intended for a smaller sector of the population ; the progressive blurring of his body is striking, while his hair has a certain vagueness, between groomed and winks at indifference.
Grayish colors, fleeing from the force of Black and White, which give the photo a dull, unattractive halo.
His eyebrows convey a certain reluctance, arranged but to the minimum possible.
His languid features are a diffuse, insecure invitation.
2,012 The product, the “soft-wire Push Positive”, is enhanced with the customary appeal of a model with obvious and attractive physical gifts.
Restrained and studied composition, intended for a specific sector, for which it is seasoned with the idiosyncrasy that characterizes it.
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2,007 B The perfume deserves this model and composition, and vice versa.
The model is gorgeous.
Overflowing eroticism, accentuated with the hat covering her breasts, her shirt thrown carelessly over her pubis, lends itself to falling without problems.
Quite an invitation …
Adding to her beautifully designed necklace, her defiant expression, full of vitality and desire, with loose but carefully overflowing hair over her left eye, which gives her a little bit of mystery.
Meanwhile, the right eye is watching us with interest.
Closed but inviting lips, skin enhanced by the black background.
An impeccable composition.
2,012 But we are in crisis … simple, economic composition.
Le Rouge, red. It stands out little, despite its strength, blurred, wrapped between the diffuse bluish color of the background and the model’s skin.
A kind of inverted V, like a mountain. What a shame with closed eyes, even if they are in tune with the prevailing atmosphere of calm and relaxation.
2,013 A Blue associated with the man, who contemplates the perfume bottle with desire, perhaps seduced by the supposed world of possibilities that will open to him in the female world.
Calm message, lack of tension, the erotic game is there, with all its pleasures.
Other colors, such as red, would imply a different message, perhaps more in accordance with the stereotypes of strength associated with men, but obviously this is not what is desired.
He has it all … blue eyes, his inviting lips, his firm chin, his unkempt hair, his hinted chest …
The nightlife of the city has its values.
Perfection in a “simple” composition.
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2,003 A The road movie reigns, an irresistible magnet for broad sectors of the youth, eager for a different life, following the most vital impulses, those opposed to the prevailing social constraints.
The convertible, open to the sky, to the wind, primordial forces.
Strong, primordial colors. The red, the brown of the landscape, the blue, although here blurred.
The girl’s pose, somewhat forced by her shoulder raised, conveys strength, determination. The clothing speaks by itself of nonconformity, of youth.
The two men fade before her, but the ménage à trois is clear, diaphanous.
This last message is the most provocative, especially in a society where deep conservatism prevails. The courage of the creators of this composition is worthy of recognition.
At the company level it is also striking, and presumably this type of advertising would also encounter internal opposition, for which it is also applauded.
Leaving aside tobacco …
2,003 B The importance of the moment, of those apparently inconsequential little details, but which, curiously, we experience with a much deeper importance than we imagine.
From the movie “L’odeur de la papaye verte”, I do not forget the simple scene of her washing her hair, full of internalization.
On the hood, in her simplicity, the girl overflows with eroticism, an irresistible attraction for the opposite gender.
Or more accurately, for anyone.
Here, the simplicity reaches an incredible climax, admirable the creativity of those who devised this composition.
Concentration presides over her countenance ; it is impossible that her short hair, swayed by the wind, escape our sensations.
The man, patient and circumspect, goes unnoticed.
What a photograph … chapeau.
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2,003 D She again … Keira shines by herself, her lips parted, her serene gaze, her hinted breasts, her hair blowing in the wind.
She is imposed on the background of wars, violence, blood, red …
The film production companies make different posters of the same film, showing them as they deem appropriate, according to the countries, mentalities, etc.
A logic commercial political, nothing to object to.
And again the woman, with her undeniable power of seduction, of attraction.
2,003 E Lara does not even deign to look at us from the heights, it is enough with the imposition that her hard gesture, together with her muscular body, works on our minds.
Her physique is a mixture of power and eroticism. The latter, in addition to her striking breasts, is induced by her curious belt. Hers, clearly unnecessary central braces, draw a V on her pubis, towards which our gaze instinctively goes. The predominant white and blue soften the compositiont, but the progressive degradation, ending in the upper part with darker tones, manages to dramatize the poster.
2,003 F In Honey, the dance queen, Jessica seduces us without problems.
Young, pretty, friendly, it is not necessary to think too much about a composition, it is enough and there is plenty to fill it.
The photo is based on the colors black and cream, resembling Black and White. Power versus warmth, resulting in a perfect balance.
2,004 A Spiderman, Troy, Dirty Dancing 2 … These years are unparalleled in erotic advertising, which wastes vitality and dynamism.
Three different films, each with its own style, attract our eyes due to the perfection of their compositions.
From the macho Spiderman, to the conspicuously erotic Dirty Dancing 2, to a kind of classicism centered on the historical figures of Troy, we delight in this publicity whirlwind.
2,004 B Once again, the woman in the center of the photo.
The advertising is supported by hackneyed and cliché messages, but Elisha stands out for herself in a commercial and inconsequential film.
A simple composition, without much to ponder or refine.
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2,002 The simplicity of the model faced with the sophisticated bottle.
Also its name. The exoticism of Shalimar attracts our attention, and although most of us do not know its meaning, it does not matter.
Our imagination, sometimes, is prone to overflowing.
The design of the bottle, its intense color, admirable. Its rounded shapes seem tailor-made for one hand, it says “catch me” without words.
Her beauty is somewhat overshadowed by her seriousness, close to sadness.
But her intense, deep gaze loses us hopelessly. Irresistible.
From Black and White to bluish gray.
Contrasting lighting that blurs her beautiful visible body, in which the unruly hair stands out on its own, like the curve of her back.
That lock languidly stroking her nipple arouses our envy, further enlivens our desires.
Simplicity of composition … no, it is not simple. Simply splendid.
2,017 The smiles of the models do not predominate in these ads, as if seriousness were inescapable with the signature.
The girl’s head is totally blurred, she is transfigured in the snowy-like surroundings, with unmistakable Black and White.
She is lost, like the unruly, strange lock, slowly fading.
Her lips do not invite, her eyes transmit coldness to us, almost pointing to resentment. What a contrast with the pink perfume, which speaks to us of love, of the pleasure of that feeling that should guide our lives.
Does she feel that dichotomy?
2,018 Once again, seriousness predominates, or rather the challenge.
Of course, with a careful skin care, directed to the outside.
Reddish lips, attractive, an inviting back. But her prominent chin … I’m not kidding, she seems to be telling us.
Although she is obviously a confident woman, that look warns us that a part of her life may be hard, although she can overcome it without problems.
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